
My Buddhism

"How is your daily life affected by Buddhism?
What do you do and why do you do it?"

★When I eat meal, I say "itadakimasu" and put my hand together.
But I do not know why we do it.
It is our custom.

★ If household Buddhist altar(Japanese say "butudan".) place ground floor,
we would not stand some place at first floor.
-We must not stand Buddha.

8 件のコメント:

  1. Hello.
    I enjoyed your blog♪ I agree with your ideas. FOr example,I wrote about "itadakimasu". I htink it is most powerful custom in Buddhism. As you know, you don't know about why we do it.. In addition,I don't know the reason...

  2. Hi!!!
    I agree with your blogs comment.
    I don't know about a Buddhist alter.
    I think Budedhism is very modest...

  3. Hello,
    I didn't know that why we do "itadakimasu" you, too.
    It is doing that Japanese has a good command as a custom.

  4. When I eat meal I say "Itadakimasu" too.
    But I don't know, why everyone say it.

  5. Hello.
    Almost Japanese people say "Itadakimasu" before they eat foods,but I didn't know meaning too.
    It is important to know Japanese custom.

  6. Thank you everyone for give me comments.

  7. I am not sure that "Itadakimasu" comes from Buddhist idea, either; however, this phrase is very peticulat to Japan, I think.
    I could not find any words equivalent to this pharase.

  8. Hi!!!
    I agree with your blogs comment.
    I don't know about a Buddhist alter. It is very complicated issue , i think.
