
Class#12 Education

I was surprise too.
It is incredible that Japanese Prime minister made mistake to read kanji!!
I think so too.
People of today use computer who write something.
we rarely write sentence to use pen and paper.
These facts influence for grammer and speling!!


Class#11 Men and Women

This article is very interested me.
I don't have boy-friend(kareshi)
during university life.
But I don't want it.
Because I'm very busy and
enjoy my university life!!
I want to spend money and time for myself.
If I have boy-friend,
I should make time for boy-friend.
So, I agree these men.
Sometime I feel lonery...
But that feeling was go away soon!!(笑)
Kyo no kanojo ha ashita no motokano.
It is nice idea for me!!


Class #10 Table Manners

1.Have you ever eaten in a restautrant in a foreign country? Where?

What did you eat? Did you make any mistakes?

→Yes, I have. When I visited to Enland, I go to the curry restaurant with my friend. The dinner wes very dericious!!

But we did not have much knowledge about tip...

So, we did not pay enough tip.

2.Did you learn anyting?

We must not pay any tips.
We need learn about tip!!


Class #8 Weddings

1.Since Japanese weddings are expensive,
do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea? Why?

To be sure, Japanese wedding are expensive.
But I do not think having a massive wedding. I want to having small wedding.
Because it is best for me.

2. What do you think about eloping?
Is it a good idea or romantic? Why?

It is the very romantic tale.
But I do not want to do. If I will marring,I want to approve of our marring.

3. Have you ever thought about having a wedding in a foreign location like Hawaii? Would you do it? Why?Or Why not?

I have never thought about having a wedding in a foreign country.
Because it is very expensive for me, our friends and our relatives.
I want to go to Hawaii to honeymoon!!

4.What is your ideal wedding?

My ideal wedding is a small wedding at the curch.

5.What would you definitely do, wear or go to on that big day?
Why is that important?

I will absolutery wear white wedding dress !!
White wedding dress is yearning for me.

6. Have you ever been to a foreigner's wedding?
What was your impression?

No, I have never been to a foreiner's wedding.


Class #7 Superstitions

1.Do you think it is important to talk about superstitions in cross culture communication class? Why?

I think it is important too, because we don't know about different culuture's surestitions.

2.Is communication affected by superstitions?

Yes, communication is affected by superstitions.
Sometimes I exchange for foreigner, it happen.

3.Do you believe in superstitions? If yes, what superstitions do you believe?Why do you do, use, or believe in them?

Yes, I believe some superstitions.
It is " Don't stop the car number 4 and 9.
4 and 9 is unlucky numbers!! 4 remind death. 9 remind pain.
So, Japanese parking has not the number 4 and 9.



1.Please explain a time proverb in your culture.

It says from parson to parson.
I don't have any idea about time proverb.
So, I don't know so many proverbs.
2.What do the following proverbs mean:

a. Time is money.

It means time is precious as well as money.
So, you have not spend time useless!!
b. A stitch in time saves nine.

It means that if you stitch early ,
you must not 9 stitches.
c. There's no time like the present.

Nice timing!!
d. Let's meet at 4. If I'm not there by 5,
leave without me at 6, and I'll be there at 7.

I do not know this mean...


Death and Funerals

1. I have not American friend. If I have American friend, when their Grandmother died I will not be able surely to do anything. Because it is not an American, it is same even for the Japanese. I have not attended in the funeral of Japan and the United States funeral. I attended in wamuzuri-sennsei’s funeral.

2. a. Why are Japanese designer label crazy? Why is what you wear so important?
- I do not understand either. I do not worry about the label of the brand. If it likes the price and the design, I buy it . If it is famouse brand. But usually famouse brand's clothes are expensive!! (* ̄□ ̄* ; So, I can not buy those....o(TヘTo)
b.What does “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” mean to you?
- I am sorry. I can not understand meaning. m(*- -*)m